with Dr. Bruce Lipton

with Margaret Horton-Lipton

with Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

with Nima Farshid, Gaia

Meet Melissa Griffiths, M.A.

HeartMath® Certified Mentor & Trauma Sensitive Practitioner  

Certified Practitioner in Emotional Resolution®

Certified Practitioner in BodyTalk

Certified Practitioner in PSYCH-K®

Level 2 Practitioner in Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy

Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional

Hi, I'm Melissa.

For over 25 years I lived by the hormones of stress. I spent every work day (and most weekends) focused on generating revenue for law firms and CPA firms. I ran national sales teams; I worked with Fortune 50 companies; I closed multi-million dollar deals. Slowing down was never an option - I used to run ultra-marathons in my spare time.

But that's not sustainable, right?

My sleep suffered. My adrenals were on the floor. I was irritable. I gained weight. I didn't want to face the truth that the life I was living was making me miserable.

When a freak accident left me with a terrible concussion, I was forced to slow down. I decided to use the time given to me to make a change. It took me 2 years to heal, during which time I came to realize that there is an immense power in working with, and on, ourselves.

I realized that my true value was in synthesizing everything I had learned to teach others how their thoughts and emotions affect all of our reality. I steeped myself in science, research, and spirituality to build a unique, measurable program. By addressing our emotions and the stories we tell ourselves, we can be better leaders, better colleagues, and, ultimately, better citizens.

If you are looking to succeed in your practice and improve your health in the process, let's chat.


by Melissa Griffiths

As leaders, we often strive for stability, sustainability, and perpetual growth as key organizational goals. But what if these goals are ultimately fleeting and unattainable? Accepting impermanence reminds us that nothing lasts forever.

Embracing a holistic approach to health, understanding that the mind and body are interconnected. By integrating the latest advancements in technology, clients gain a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between their physical health, emotions, and environment. Armed with this knowledge, they can make informed decisions and implement targeted changes that optimize their overall well-being.


by Melissa Griffiths

"Female Founders": WomLEAD magazine feature

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Melissa Griffiths, high-performing business executive turned health advocate, shares her transformative journey from adrenal fatigue and depression to wellness. As the founder of Ascension, Inc., Melissa combines her certifications in HeartMath, Emotional Resolution, and BodyTalk to empower individuals in understanding how their thoughts and emotions impact their physical health

(with WomELLE).

"Be That Lawyer": Managing Stress and Overwhelm

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It is scientifically proven that the brain and mind can impact the physical body. The body knows how to communicate. Unless there has been an accident, there is usually something emotional behind the pain in your body. In this episode, we discuss the connection between the brain and body and why lawyers are more prone to stress and anxiety than other professions.

(with Steve Fretzin).

Increase Resilience and Reduce Unwanted Emotions

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Biofeedback is the process of gaining greater awareness of physiological functions of one's own body by using electronic or other instruments and to be able to manipulate the body's systems at will. Learn the importance of Heart Coherence and how HeartMath techniques can increase resilience and reduce unwanted emotions.

(with Trauma Informed Network).

Coach Like a Boss

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Why is the 'Manager as Coach' important? Today's work environment goes beyond the place work is carried out - the mental and psychological environment is as relevant as the physical one. Managers need to recognize that and appreciate where they can best support their people. This pre-recorded webinar teaches essential skills for emerging and evolving managers, and provides tools and techniques to better connect and develop a high-performing team. 

(with SA Wright Coaching).


by Melissa Griffiths

Heart Whispers: Listening to Innate Wisdom to design a life you love (Amazon International Best Seller!)

For some of us, it takes years to find the ease and flow that others seem to be living with every day. Instead, we struggle through ordinary circumstances, have unfulfilling relationships, financial hardships, unsatisfying careers, and lives that are boring, trivial, and empty. When you tap into the innate wisdom of your heart, you discover a light for your journey. This book compiles stories of women listening to their innate wisdom and designing a life they love.




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